Climate Technology Company Stiesdal Uses CloudConnect to shorten Time-to-Results from Over-Night to Hours

Stiesdal is a climate technology company based in Denmark, that develops and commercializes technologies that help fight climate change. Since the company was founded by Henrik Stiesdal in 2018, they have focused on the development and production of floating foundations for wind turbines, a sky cleaning solution for carbon capturing, a renewable energy storage solution and low-cost hydrogen. With these technologies, the company wishes to contribute with strong and affordable solutions available all over the world.
At the Offshore and SkyClean department, Jesper Thesbjerg works as a structural engineer, and is a regular user of Ansys Mechanical. In 2022 they turned to EDRMedeso to adopt cloud computing to further improve their processes and outcomes. They chose to try out both Rescale and EDRMedeso’s workflow integration CloudConnect. Thesbjerg was one of the first people at Stiesdal to start using the software and has seen all the positive changes it has brought to the company.
Cloud computing is a trend that Stiesdal has been aware of for quite some time. Without it, all the simulations had to be run on the on-premises hardware, which inevitably came with limitations. As Thesbjerg noted:
“Back in the days when we had large simulations then you needed to consider how large a model you could run. So, you could be limited there that you had to divide up your model if you didn’t have enough hardware.”
Before adopting Rescale and CloudConnect, Stiesdal had therefore tested other cloud computing platforms, since they knew they wanted to tap into the flexibility that comes with having a hybrid solution – combining on-premises hardware with running larger simulations on the cloud. In such a way they wouldn’t have to put all their simulations in the large queue that they were having for running them on the on-premises hardware. However, the licenses for the cloud platforms usually had an upfront cost per user for simulations.
They realized that with Rescale they could pay only for the time used, and by combining Rescale with the unique features offered by CloudConnect, the workflow for reaching the cloud and run simulations would be even smoother. Thesbjerg explains their motivation for the choice:
“It was the combination that made us choose Rescale. It is a smaller gap going into the cloud when you have CloudConnect, it saves time. Also, you cannot sit and wait an entire day for the simulation to run. So, if you are work dependent on a simulation then if you can have a faster simulation, you can save money on the time. If you need to use so many man hours, you can use it more efficiently.”
Stiesdal’s motive to start using the cloud was to capture the fluctuations in simulation needs. They could thus use Rescale for the peak simulations, and CloudConnect would make the process of accessing the cloud even easier for the users.
The company then started to use CloudConnect for the structural simulations that they run through Rescale. Thanks to CloudConnect, as they want to run a simulation on the cloud it can be done in a click of a button. According to the structural engineer, they are now using the tool multiple times a day.
“CloudConnect has a simple and user-friendly setup. It’s controlled from the software itself. You press submit and then when it’s done you can just press download and then you have the results in Mechanical”, Thesbjerg explains.
Another feature that has been useful for Stiesdal is convergence monitoring – the possibility to check for mistakes early in the process, enabled by CloudConnect. In such a way they can have a fast check if the job is running as they are expecting, to be able to correct mistakes faster.
As Stiesdal were facing a bottleneck, they needed to find a way to get the results quickly. As an effect of using Rescale combined with CloudConnect, they were able to use cloud with enough power to run the simulations and save a significant amount of time. This allowed them to spend their time more efficiently, get the results faster and meet their deadlines with ease.
“No doubt about that we can save time. You can have the results in a couple of hours instead of over the night.”
We at EDRMedeso are proud to provide solutions that enable our clients to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. If you want to know more about the tool, please visit our CloudConnect webpage where you can read more or contact our expert.