Exploring ‘Connections’ at the 2024 Simulation Leadership Forum

As the forum enters its 11th year, the Advisory Board is keener than ever to explore the potential simulation has to deliver real, tangible benefit, and bring game-changing outcomes to those who want to unravel new possibilities.
The forum will of course, focus on the connection between simulation and real-world applications, between diverse industries and between individuals who share a passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
If there’s just one event you can attend this year, make it the Simulation Leadership Forum, Helsinki – 23-24 April 2024
But more than that, this year’s forum will delve into the potential of collaboration within organisations, ‘connecting the dots’ or ‘bridging the gap, and even further than that, examine how simulation has the potential to be all-pervasive, satisfying the demands of an increasingly savvy consumer right through to leadership teams, executives and decision makers who define corporate strategy.
What is clear is that from sustainability, the global cost-of-living crisis, new legislation and health and safety rules, to changing demands of energy and materials resources, there is an ever-increasing reliance on innovation to deliver solutions.
Couple together process transparency, the flow and sharing of data, information, knowledge and experiences, simulation has the power to deliver insight, confidence, alternatives, ‘challenge the normal’ – and by connecting each aspect, each key player, each decision maker, is exponentially powerful.
‘Connections’ are inextricably linked to innovation.
With a stellar line up of speakers, multiple networking opportunities and an experienced and enthusiastic organising committee, join this unique event and make connections at Simulation Leadership Forum 2024.
Why not share these thoughts with others in your organization? Get the conversation about ‘connections’ in your innovation strategy started now, commit to join the wider discussion and take advantage of our early bird offer of 3 places for the price of 2 up until 31 January.