Join our Live Seminar in Gothenburg, Sweden!

Welcome to join us for a day of knowledge exchange, interactive discussions, and valuable insights into the evolving landscape of simulation technologies. This seminar brings together professionals, enthusiasts, and experts who share a keen interest in the technical intricacies of engineering software tools. We look forward to your presence and the opportunity to connect with fellow simulation enthusiasts.


✔ Share simulation experiences, best practices, tips and tricks
✔ Discuss simulation challenges with EDRMedeso experts
✔ Learn about the latest trends and Ansys updates from the world of simulation
✔ Network with your industry peers!


Jump to the Registration Form

Location and time:

Gårda Konferens, Johan på Gårdas gata 5A, 412 50 Göteborg
Time: 10:00 Local Time Zone
Tuesday, 12 November 2024


10:00-10:15 Registration​​ & Coffee​
10:15-10:30 Opening Words & Welcome​
10:30-11:00 Simulation at the tipping point: From design validation and verification, to business enabler​
11:00-11:30 AI For Engineering
11:30-12:00 Case Study AFRY: Simulating rapturing hydrogen gas cylinder in buildings
12:00-13:00 Lunch & Network​
13:00-14:00 ​​Enhancing Simulation Workflows with Ansys Rocky, optiSLang, and Fluent GPU Solver​​​​
14:00-14:15 Coffee Break​​​
14:15-14:45 ​​Electrification presentation
14:45-15:15 Simulations in the Cloud ​
15:15- Closing words & Afterwork Session

The topics of the presentations will be detailed during the upcoming weeks.


Who is this event for?
R&D engineers / heads / managers
Design/simulation engineers / heads / managers
Product development engineers / heads / managers
Technical/IT department experts / heads / managers​


This seminar is tailored for individuals who utilize Ansys simulation or similar tools in their respective fields. If you are involved in engineering, research, or any domain where simulation plays a pivotal role, this event is designed to cater to your interests.



This event is for free of charge, but requires a pre-registration. Seats are limited, so secure your place today!