Check out the latest software enhancements for aerospace applications within the Ansys Fluent solver, including new automation capabilities, post-processing and solution accuracy improvements in this upcoming webinar.


Join us in this webinar to discover the new updates to the Ansys Fluent solver for aerospace applications in 2024 R2.

What Attendees will Learn

This presentation will cover enhancements to your Fluent software for aerospace and defense applications and include:

  •  Enhancement to DBNS numerical stabilization and solution schemes to improve speed to convergence and solution robustness
  • Improvements to in-flight icing predictions of ice density, de-icing with a display of transient ice shapes, and CFX air solution import (beta)
  • Automation of turbulence model selection by Reynolds number, automated parametric post-processing, and automated Hessian-based mesh adaption in the Fluent Aero workspace
  • Virtual Blade Model (VBM) compatibility with the density-based solver (DBNS) and transient solutions

Who Should Attend

Fluent software users, Aerospace engineers, Fluids Engineers, CFD Engineers


  • Valerio Viti
  • Henry Vu
  • Isik Ozcer

Time: 17.00 – 18:00 CEST

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