Learn how you can improve the accuracy of your simulations with high-quality, consistent materials and data information that are seamlessly available within your simulation tools in this upcoming webinar.


Accurate data on materials is fundamental to precise design and simulation. Yet, finding data that you can rely on is time-consuming and difficult. Data found in various uncertain sources requires transformation into models that your simulation software can use, risking errors.

At the same time, design and simulation engineers must be able to access the materials information and properties within their simulation tools seamlessly and straightforwardly, which just works.

Furthermore, enterprises can ensure consistency and control by integrating a single, centrally managed, traceable, and approved source of materials data into the entire product design and development process.

This webinar will showcase how to improve simulation accuracy with high-quality materials data that is always up-to-date and approved at the enterprise level and seamlessly available within simulation tools.

What attendees will learn

  • Improve the accuracy of simulations with high-quality, consistent materials data information
  • Ensure simulation consistency by using an authoritative source of truth
  • See accessing accurate materials information directly within the simulation tools demo

Who should attend

Design and Simulation Managers, Design and Simulation Engineers, Engineering Managers, and Materials Engineers


Raluca Moglan and Freddy Moriniere

Time: 17.00 – 18:00 CEST

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