Join us for this Live Webinar on PyAEDT for Array Antenna Design and Optimization.

Whether you’re designing antennas for communications or radar systems, every design decision requires careful consideration. With PyAEDT, engineers can automate workflows, streamline the design process, and optimize antenna performance more efficiently. In this session, we’ll walk you through the installation of PyAEDT, starting a project, and creating a phased array antenna. We’ll also focus on the optimization process to enhance performance and ensure your design meets specifications. PyAEDT’s integration with Ansys Electronic Desktop will help you create high-performance, cost-effective antenna designs faster, with minimal trial and error.

Key Highlights:

  • PyAEDT Installation
    Learn how to install PyAEDT and set up the environment to get started with antenna design.
  • Phase Array Antenna Design
    Discover how to create and design a phased array antenna using PyAEDT’s powerful tools.
  • Optimization Process
    Explore the optimization workflow to enhance antenna performance and meet design goals.
  • Live Model Setup and Demo
    Watch a live demonstration of setting up a project, designing a phased array antenna, and optimizing it using PyAEDT.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how PyAEDT can accelerate your antenna design process and improve efficiency through powerful automation and optimization techniques!

Speaker: Fatemeh Hoveizavi and Richard Davies, EDRMedeso

Time: 10.00-10.45 CET

**This is a live, interactive webinar. As this is a truly dynamic event, the questions asked within the webinar will help drive its content and knowledge sharing. Please join us at the specified time and date to fully engage with our expert panel.**

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!