Join us for an insightful session exploring how simulation supports the transition to electrification.
This webinar will provide an overview, focusing on key components and the role of simulation in designing efficient, electrified systems.

Webinar Includes:

  • Electrification – What, how, why
  • Power of simulation
  • Key components of electrification including electric machines, cables, and batteries
  • Simulation-driven design for optimizing electrified systems
  • Case studies

Attendee Will Learn:

  • Technical benefits of electrification, in addition to environmental considerations
  • Electrified components and systems
  • Multiphysics simulations for optimizing performance
  • Reduced order models
  • System-level simulations


Who should attend?

Engineers in electrification / simulation professionals / product developers / R&D specialists / technical managers

The session will be recorded. To secure access to the recording, please sign in to receive all communications from this event.