The design of advanced power electronics components and systems are becoming increasingly important due to the electrification trend. Power electronic systems are now employed in various electrified applications, such as chargers for electric cars and inverters for motor drives.
Solving Design Challenges in Power Electronics with Simulation
We provide simulation tools for multiphysics analysis and optimization of power electronics components and systems, that can help solve design challenges arising from going toward higher switching frequencies and smaller sizes, including thermal reliability and EMC/EMI issues. Ansys Maxwell provides advanced modelling capabilities for power magnetic components such as planar transformers.
Maxwell can be coupled to Ansys Icepak, Mechanical, and Fluent for thermal and structural analyses. Both Ansys Maxwell and Q3D can be used for the extraction of electric parameters and the creation of reduced-order models (ROM). These ROMs can be utilized in AnsysTwin Builder, which offers a system-level platform for analysis of power electronics devices and systems. Twin Builder also includes power device characterization tools.
Multi-level and Multi-physics Modeling
Conducted and Radiated Emissions Evaluation
Embedded Controls and Software
Component Reliability
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How We Can Help
We enable our customers to design better products, reduce risk, and accelerate time to market. At EDRMedeso we are committed to driving innovation by providing leading simulation technologies powered by knowledge transfer.
Our technical team has relevant competence and experience in the field of power electronics and we have helped several of our customers with the analysis of power electronics components. We can help customers with the development of simulation workflows, sharing best practices, and providing customized trainings and consultancy works.
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