Ansys Granta Material Data Simulation

Granta Materials Data for Simulation improves simulation accuracy by providing access to reliable materials data and increases engineering efficiency by reducing the time needed to find data.

Accurate Material Data

Granta Materials Data for Simulation is a comprehensive database of materials properties and characteristics that can be used in computer-aided engineering simulations. It is a powerful tool for engineers and designers who need to optimize the performance of their products or components by accurately simulating the behavior of different materials under various conditions.

The Granta Materials Data for Simulation database is a comprehensive repository of materials information, encompassing mechanical, thermal, electrical, and physical properties. It covers a diverse array of materials such as metals, polymers, composites, ceramics, and more. Accessible through various Ansys software applications, users can tap into this extensive data to enhance product designs, minimize material expenses, and elevate product performance.

Key Features

Granta Materials Data for Simulation is constantly updated and expanded to reflect the latest advances in materials science and engineering. This ensures that engineers and designers always have access to the most up-to-date and reliable data when making critical design decisions.

  • Trusted data
  • Simulation-ready material models
  • Easy access


Improve Engineering Efficiency


Accurate Material Selection


Reduced Development Time


Less Material Waste


Speak to an Expert

Reach out to our expert for help or advice

Jakob Skotte Wied

Application Engineer

I have been in EDRmedeso since 2021 and I am focusing on the Ansys Granta and Ansys Minerva technologies. My work covers supporting the presales process from the technical side, helping customers with software issues, training customers in software usage, and helping customers implement our data management solutions and tailoring it to their needs.

Who We Have Helped

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Ansys Granta Selector™ has given us more knowledge about the environmental impact of our products and where we should focus our attention in the development of new ones. Ansys Granta Selector also helped us to verify whether it is sustainable for us to gather used filters from customers to optimize the recycling process.

— Alexander Hjertström / CEO & Founder / Airinum
