Ansys HFSS™ a high-frequency electromagnetic simulation software, is the gold-standard full wave 3D electromagnetic simulation tool for designing and simulating high-frequency electronic products such as antennas, antenna arrays, RF or microwave components, filters, high-speed interconnects, filters, and IC packages and printed circuit boards.
3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tool
Ansys HFSS™ is capable of delivering the highest accuracy, enabling engineers to design and address challenges of most complex problems within RF, Microwave, EMC/EMI and PCBs.
Going from small electrical size chips to large electrical size airplanes, Ansys HFSS™ is able to solve all problems utilizing different key simulation technologies, for example full 3D Finite Elements simulations (FEM), Integral Equation Solvers (IE), and Shooting Bouncing Rays (SBR+).
Key Features
Ansys HFSS™ is the premier EM tool for R&D and virtual design prototyping. It reduces design cycle time and boosts your product’s reliability and performance.
- EMI/EMC analysis
- Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) in complex environments
- Installed antenna and RF cosite analysis
- RF systems and circuits analysis
- Signal and Power Integrity analysis
Case Study
Revolutionizing the Antenna Industry
with Polymers and X-rays
Emerging consumer applications at mm-wave frequencies demand accurate and reliable simulation to predict performance, which can be degraded significantly at these high frequencies if not optimized carefully.
Learn how Polytenna Technologies Inc. takled the challenge and revolutionized the antenna industry.
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