Neural Concept

Enhance your design and verification workflows with AI for Engineering by training a Neural Network with existing data from designs and simulations. The impact of new design ideas can be validated in milliseconds – rather than hours or days, as with traditional methods – enabling a boost in efficiency by at least 2-10 times. Additionally, design optimization based on specific objectives and constraints is now achievable, allowing for the evaluation of up to 100,000 designs in just a few minutes. 

Key Features

Neural Concept Shape is an industry leading product exploiting 3D deep-learning algorithms, with the following key features:

  • High-end deep learning software that understands 3D shapes (CAD) and learns how they interact with the laws of physics (CAE) 
  • It emulates full-fledged simulators, giving predictions in approximately 30ms, versus minutes to hours (or even days) for classic simulation 
  • Model can be trained on both simulation and test data 
  • Simulation and geometry data can come from any CAE and CAD tool 
  • The trained model can be deployed as a web-application or integrated directly into your CAD-tool 

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Gain a Competitive Advantage Being Faster to Market


Design Better Products - Faster!


Explore Thousands of Design Configurations in Seconds


Accelerate R&D Cycles and the Entire Design and Verification Process


Easily Accessible and Usable by Non-Simulation Experts


Who We Have Helped

The placeholder featured image.

For the considered application, NCS performs clearly better than currently used surrogate models and therefore we see the potential of NCS for more use-cases.

— Roland Schirrmacher / Bosch

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Reach out to our expert for help or advice

Frode Halvorsen

Chief Technical Officer

Meet our AI for Engineering Partner - Neural Concept

Neural Concept is a cutting-edge technology company that specializes in developing artificial intelligence (AI) software for engineering design and optimization. With a focus on deep learning and neural networks, Neural Concept is revolutionizing the way that engineers approach complex design problems.

Founded in 2018 by a team of world-class experts in the fields of AI and engineering, Neural Concept has quickly established itself as a leader in the field of AI-assisted engineering. Their flagship product, Neural Concept Shape, is a cloud-based software platform that enables engineers to rapidly explore and optimize the design of complex 3D shapes.

Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Engineering

  • Data-Driven Decision Support: Utilize AI for comprehensive data analysis, enhancing decision-making capabilities in engineering projects.
  • Design Optimization: Employ AI to refine and optimize engineering designs, including the identification of optimal mechanical shapes.
  • Quality Assurance: Implement AI to proactively detect and resolve potential quality issues in product development phases.
  • Task Automation: Leverage AI to automate routine engineering tasks such as data analysis and simulations, supporting both experienced and novice engineers.

Learn more about AI Engineering
