We help you use Digital Solutions to predict product and system behaviour; from concept through full system prototypes through the entire life cycle.
This enables you to develop business models and products based on IoT & physics based digital twins to place yourself first in today’s market demand.
Increasing Product Complexity
Products developed today are getting more complex than ever before and usually incorporate multiple domains of physics and expertise that must be accounted for during design and operation.
Traditionally one would typically account for the product’s structural and thermal behaviour and in many cases flow/fluid properties, but today most products also include challenges related to:
- Optics and sensors
- Electronics and antennas
- Embedded software – autonomous control and operation
The Digital Lab From Concept to Digital Twins
To design, maintain and operate today’s complex devices it’s required that we can handle all these domains and the interactions between them. This must be addressed early in the R&D phase, but is even more valuable when the product is in use with the end customer using our Digital Twins technology.
Many companies address these challenges by building physical prototypes. Read more about how you can handle all the phases of product life cycle in the Digital Lab
Who we have helped
ServicesContents of the Digital Lab